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Exploring SimplyMap Data: Recycling Attitudes in SimmonsLOCAL

Posted on Jul 28, 2013 by Admin

We recently discovered some interesting data on participation and attitudes towards recycling, and decided to dig a bit deeper into our Experian SimmonsLOCAL data. This data package includes over 60,000 variables that provide insight into consumer behavior and attitudes. Examples include # of adults (population 18 years and older) who feel it is their “duty” to recycle, and percent of adult population who recycle various materials including glass, plastic or paper.

By creating a Ranking report through SimplyMap, we highlighted some additional, interesting data points:

  • New Jersey tops the list at 33% with the highest percentage of adults that believe it is their “duty” to recycle. They even beat California at 32%.
  • Alabama, Utah, Mississippi are Arkansas are the states least likely to recycle. Over 30% of participants surveyed admitted to never recycling glass specifically.