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Exploring SimplyMap Data: America’s Coffee Drinkers

Posted on Feb 05, 2015 by Admin

In this week’s edition of exploring SimplyMap data, we take a look at America’s coffee drinkers. SimplyMap contains more than 100 coffee related variables, including consumer spending on coffee by brand and by number of coffee cups consumed per day. For this example, lets look at a broader indicator related to coffee - whether or not a household uses coffee at all. The variable, % BEVERAGES - NON-ALCOHOLIC DRINKS | GROUND OR WHOLE BEAN COFFEE | GROUND OR WHOLE BEAN COFFEE-HH USES? | YES, 2013 can be found in the SimmonsLOCAL folder. SimmonsLOCAL is a profiling system that provides insights into consumer behavior for 210 American media markets on a local level with 60,000+ data variables, including over 450 categories and 8,000 specific brands. It is a powerful resource that provides insight into consumer spending and behavior, and very popular with business students and researchers. We begin by creating a ranking report, and setting the geography to USA. Next, under the Analyze Data By drop down, select states. The results are shown below:
coffeedrinkers1 At 70.24%, New Hampshire narrowly edges out Rhode Island (70.18%) and Maine (69.75%) as the top states for household coffee drinking in the US. When we analyze by City, (by again adjusting the Analyze Data By drop down), and apply a population filter of greater than 75,000, the following cities make the top 10.
coffeedrinkers2 The residents of Lawrence, MA claim the top spot in the US (cities with population > 75k) for coffee drinkers at home. Lastly, we viewed the city of Lawrence by census tract.
coffeedrinkers3 It looks like many of the residents in Lawrence, MA drink their coffee by the Merrimack River. What insights can be drawn from this? What other questions arise? Are there specific characteristics of these States, Cities, or Census Tracts that make their residents more inclined to drink coffee at home? Let us know your thoughts in the comments! Stay tuned for more SimplyMap tips and reports! Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook to stay up to date on all things SimplyMap (and score an entry to our iPad and Kindle Fire raffle while you are at it!).