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Browsing for Data Variables: Category Search

Posted on Oct 26, 2018 by Admin

Welcome readers! This week we’ll take a look at how to browse for data by category in SimplyAnalytics. Browsing by Category is the default way of browsing for data in SimplyAnalytics. It includes robust filtering capabilities to quickly find the specific data you are looking for from among the thousands of variables in the database.

Suppose we want to find the percentage of females who are employed in the healthcare industry.

First, select the broadest appropriate category - Jobs & Employment.

The top left of the panel displays how many variables are related to Jobs & Employment.

Notice in the image above you can search further within Jobs & Employment, and also specify a gender - scroll down to also choose a year, data type, and data set.

Click on the appropriate checkboxes to narrow down the options:

The list gets narrowed down to 28 results, and you can scroll down on the right-hand side to identify the target variable.
TIP: Notice the filter field within the panel - you can use this to quickly find specific data by entering a keyword in this field.

We hope you enjoyed this week’s write up - please let us know if there’s anything in particular you like to see in future posts!